Sean Clark is a man of various trades. Sean is one busy man. He is the owner of Convention All-Stars and is a horror journalist with his "Horrors Hallowed Grounds" being featured in HorrorHound Magazine. In 2003, Sean was one of the people involved putting together a very cool horror convention "Halloween Returns to Haddonfield" 25th Anniversary Convention in Pasadena CA and Sean put together the sequel "30 Years of Terror" the Halloween 30th Anniversary Convention once more in Pasadena, CA. Sean was also involved in the making of the excellent documentaries on Scream Factory's awesome releases of Halloween 2 and Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. Sean is also a screenwriter. His first feature film was "The Black Waters of Echo's Pond" starring Robert Patrick, and Danielle Harris. Sean also like long walks in the park on nice sunny warm days in the Spring. Thanks to Sean for taking a timeout to answer Shawnster the Monster's Random Five Questions.
Random Five Questions:
1.) How did you become an agent?
It was sort of by accident. I was involved with conventions and was also friends with a lot of horror celebrities and I booked one of them into a show as a favor because I was tight with the promoter and then after that this same celeb asked if I could get him into other shows and I was thinking that one time was cool but this is sort of turning into a job and that is when the light bulb kind of went on in my head. Then I started my own company. I never did it with the intent for it to blow up like it has into an actual corporation. I was doing it as a way to get into horror cons for free and promote my own things like Horror's Hallowed Grounds on their dime. Then it took over my life.
2.) How did you become involved in various documentaries about the Halloween series such as "The Nightmare Isn't Over: The Making of Halloween II" and "Stand Alone: The Making of Halloween III" on the Scream Factory releases of "Halloween II and Halloween III: Season of the Witch?
Well I have been involved in the Halloween franchise in one way or another since 1996 when I was known for making Myers masks. I worked on the very first DVD release of Halloween in 1999 with Anchor Bay. Then I put on the Halloween 25th Anniversary convention in 2003. From that we did the documentary Halloween 25 Years of Terror with Anchor Bay and my very first Horror's Hallowed Grounds episode on Halloween was a bonus feature on that DVD. Then I put on the Halloween 30th Anniversary Convention in 2008 and started working in various capacities with Malek Akkad & Trancas International. So when Shout Factory was working on Halloween II & III Jeff Nelson at Shout and Michael Felsher of Red Shirt Pictures got together and decided to get me involved. I'm honored they did.
3.) What is the craziest thing you ever saw at a convention?
I don't know honestly. They all kind of blur together. I guess the craziest thing is the crowds at San Diego Comic Con. That is truly insane.
4.) What would be your holy grail to be added to your collection?
I guess the go to answer would be Nick Castle's screen used mask from the original Halloween. There were at least 3 used in that film and only one is known to exist and that was the one also used in Halloween II.
5.) How do you control the women around Norman Reedus?
There is no "controlling" the ladies that go by many names. The Boondock Betties, Reddusmaniacs, Dixon's Vixens and so on. I let security try to control them and just do my best to stay on their good side.
Here are some links to learn more about Sean.
Be on the lookout next week for Dan Yeager from "Texas Chainsaw 3D" answering Shawnster the Monster's Random Five Questions.
© 2013 Shawnster the Monster Shawn D Patrick
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